Group Companies

India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited (IIFCL)

IIFCL was set up by the Government of India in 2006 with the main objective of channelizing long-term finance to viable infrastructure projects through the Scheme for Financing Viable Infrastructure Projects through a Special Purpose Vehicle called India Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd (IIFCL), broadly referred to as SIFTI. The sectors eligible for financial assistance from IIFCL are the harmonized list of infrastructure sub-sectors as approved by the Cabinet Committee on infrastructure on 1st March 2012. These include transportation, energy, water, sanitation, communication, social and commercial infrastructure

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India Infrastructure Finance Company (UK) Limited

India Infrastructure Finance Company (UK) Limited was incorporated with the Registrar of Companies of England and Wales at London in February 2008 [Company No. 6496661] under the UK Companies Act, 1985 to lend to Indian companies implementing infrastructure projects in India, or to co-finance their External Commercial Borrowings for such projects, solely for the capital expenditure outside India. The company is registered with Financial Services Authority of UK as Annex-I Financial Institution for the purpose of compliance with UK Money Laundering Regulations 2007. The authorised capital of IIFC (UK) Limited is USD 500 million and the current paid up capital of the Company is USD 50 million.

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IIFCL Asset Management Company Limited

IIFCL has established IIFCL Mutual Fund and has also promoted IIFCL Asset Management Company Limited (IAMCL). IAMCL is promoted with the objective to act as Asset Management Company of Infrastructure Debt Fund(s) (IDF) set up through Mutual Fund route. IIFCL Mutual Fund aims to provide domain for long term investment to domestic and overseas investors in India’s infrastructure sector. IIFCL MF had obtained the SEBI approval and also the IAMCL was granted the approval to act as the AMC of the MF for the IDF Accordingly, IIFCL has initiated the process for launching an Infrastructure Debt Fund (IDF) through the route of Mutual Fund known as IIFCL Mutual Fund along with the other Co-Sponsors/ Investors for a corpus fund of approx. US$1 Billion with an investment of around Rs. 15 billion through Mutual Fund route. IIFCL is keen to invite leading banks, Non-Banking Financial companies- Infrastructure Finance companies and multilateral institutions as strategic investors in the schemes of Infrastructure Debt funds in compliance with SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996 http://iifclmf.com/

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IIFCL Projects Ltd. (IPL) established in February 2012 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Indian Infrastructure Finance Company Limited (IIFCL), a Government of India Enterprise.

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